It starts with the trees, not the bees.

While others talk about the power of the bees, we know the real magic starts long before our furry buzzy friends even take flight.

The magic of pure mānuka honey doesn’t come from the bees. 

It comes from the quality of the flowers.

We are Mānuka Resources.

We look after the source.

Ours is a very special mānuka honey from the land and for the land.
Our honey is created to revitalise your body and regenerate the land, without compromise.

We know how to grow the plants that will yield the highest quality UMF mānuka honey anywhere in the world. We are inspired by the mānuka plant, its intelligence, its DNA and how it adapts to the the specificities and particularities of its region and its ecosystem.

From this we create mānuka honey with a strong sense - and taste - of place.